Velocity Progress, Almost There, Register NOW!
Sonoma/Velocity Invitational registrations are getting close. We have 18 cars registered as of today. We likely will get our own run group with 3-5 more registrations. if you are even thinking about going please register today. If you have a friend that is thinking about going - please get them to register today. The organizers invite 11 groups and the top 9 in terms of registrations are accepted. There is no payment due on registration. Registration has been extended to January 31 due to the fires in California. The link is below:
Mid-Ohio racing with FRP is April 25-27. Once again - we will have our own run group. We will paddock together and we will have a Saturday night dinner off track. Registration opens February 1 on MotorsportsReg and I will forward the link when available.
Tom O'Grady. [email protected]. Phone: 281-253-8881